Wednesday, October 2, 2013
2 Line Intercom Cum Telephone Line Changeover Circuit
As a result, buzzer PZ2 sounds. Simultaneously, the side tone is heard in the speaker of handset of phone 1. The person at phone 2 could then lift the handset and start conversation. Similar procedure is to be followed for initiation of the conversation from phone 2 using switch S2. In this mode of operation, a 3-pole, 2-way slide-switch S3 is to be used as shown in the figure. In the changeover mode of operation, switch S3 is used to changeover the telephone line for use by telephone 2. The switch is normally in the intercom mode and telephone 3 is connected to the exchange line. Before changing over the exchange line to telephone 2, the person at telephone 1 may inform the person at telephone 2 (in the intercom mode) that he is going to changeover the line for use by him (the person at telephone 2).
As soon as changeover switch S3 is flipped to the other position, 12V supply is cut off and telephones 1 and 3 do not get any voltage or ring via the ring-tone-sensing unit. Once switch S3 is flipped over for use of exchange line by the person at telephone 2, and the same (switch S3) is not flipped back to normal position after a telephone call is over, the next telephone call via exchange lines will go to telephone 2 only and the ringtone-sensing circuit will still work. This enables the person at phone 3 to know that a call has gone through. If the handset of telephone 3 is lifted, it is found to be dead. To make telephone 3 again active, switch S3 should be changed over to its normal position.